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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Clash Of Morons-Bleh!

Clash Of Barbaric-Spartans

See, I am a very bad COC(Clash Of Clan) Player. I am a town hall 11 but, still I don't support the idea of losing money in a game.$600 for gems! That's just outrageous,mind you I am not that poor but, still I think losing money on virtual stuff is as bad enough as buying a house in which your pet is to live.

Let's get to the point that this all about Clash Of Clans.When I started playing this  game I encouraged my mother about  this game.She was a Farmer type who often picks up shields and doesn't attack others but, just harvests her own village resources. 

This post is all about COC so, let's begin:-

  • Clash of clans is a game in which you own a village which you get automatically.
  • Gems are the most wanted resource in this game. 
  •  Elixir is the resource which helps to train the different types of troops.
So,as always Stay Awesome!

Candy Crush-Tutorial

The Crusher Of Dreams is Back

Candy Crush saga the all big franchise couldn't but, help a Tutorial for Players.They knew that if someone didn't know the Way to play a game then how would the company gain more pupil to play it's rainbow sparkled Matchmaking game.I am Back at it Again !

  • First thing is that you have to match every 3-candies\Buttons to make a point or 2.
  • Next to mind is that 4-4 and 5-5 give power-ups that if unleashed can obviously effect all they candies/buttons sparing it's Racism of Own Kind. Blah!
  • A level has many things that you should mind and don't ignore as if they are you're closest relatives wanting a glass of water and are telling you that they will give a good amount of Jelly to you. Yes, Jelly , it is the most annoying object in all the candy crush story.
  • Each level has it's own set of disturbances and Discrepancies you can't cross all levels with a same old stone age set of mind.Mind you, No abusive language said right now.
  • What are you staring at? My life is over! This is what the Crushers will say if they don't have enough life, I mean enough hearts to play on the game.
  • So only one thing to stay i.e Grab the Glory, All the Way to Victory.All the Way!
And as Ala-ways, Stay Awesome! 

Candy Crush - Review

The Crusher of Dreams

Join Tiffi and Mr. Toffee in their sweet adventure through the wonderful Candy Kingdom. Switch and match your way through hundreds of levels in this delicious puzzle adventure. Isn't it the sweetest game ever? Take on this deliciously sweet saga alone or play with friends to see who can get the highest score!

The Crusher of dreams is what I call it.Candy Crush Saga, the  game in which your objective is to crush candies by matching them in a 3-3 manner.This colorful crystals you see are very annoying.A candy crush gaming specifically knows that you have to BUY stuff,sometimes, but ,yes Buy stuff. It is a match maker game,don't take it in the wrong real life way.My mother is a serious Candy Crusher.She is at level 700- and something till I washed all her process down the toilet seat.No, I didn't wash it in the toilet seat. How could you think that?

Now,First things first, you can also match 4-4/1-1-1-1 and 2-3/5-5 . Well, A picture would help I suggest.You will see it at the last but, no discussion left.Next Coming up will be Candy Crush-Tutorial.So, Stay Awesome!

Dota 2 - Cheats

Sorry Guys and Girls, but, I cant publish the cheats I have got in my pocket slip right here because for some copyright infringement reason I can't do it.Sorry! But,Don't get the mood off. I am bringing 2 games each week, at least! So, Stay Awesome!

Dota 2- Tutorial

Dota 2 for Dummies: A no-bullshit method to start playing without pissing everyone off  


There's an elephant in the room: the biggest barrier to getting into Dota 2 is Dota 2 itself. It has over a hundred heroes, with more on the way. It has a complex item system. It carries over some of the more sophisticated level mechanics of real-time strategy games. Much of the audience is toxic, full of homophobia, racism, abusive language, and sometimes deliberate team sabotage.
There is a wall that many people see in front of Dota 2, and it can be hard to climb. Like many challenges, it's best to find some help to start.


You wouldn't play a sport with a bunch of strangers without knowing how it works. Dota 2 does have a tutorial and, while it offers a small taste of the game's depth, it's better than nothing. You'll learn a few heroes (including Sniper, a popular, incredibly annoying pick), and you'll learn about the kinds of abilities characters have and how to activate them.
This is all very intro-level, but it's incredibly important, especially if you don't have much experience with Warcraft 3, which is the evolutionary basis for the modern MOBA genre. You'll also get a very basic introduction to items. Learn what Tangos are. You'll be using them often.


This might seem premature, but my first experiences with Dota 2 skipped past the "playing with bots" stage and went straight to "playing with friends who knew how to play Dota 2."
I'm impatient. I started playing Dota 2 specifically because it was the only thing anyone I knew was playing with any regularity, and I wanted to play games with my friends. It was only later that I started playing without them.
This is what allowed me to find fun right away, as opposed to struggling against bots in a game I didn't understand. I asked a ton of questions as we played and, because these were people who wanted me to understand the game, no question was seen as stupid.
There are a number of resources online, but constant supportive communication early on was key in getting me involved and keeping me from fleeing in terror at the prospect ofDota 2's complexity. So, if you've got friends on your Steam list who play Dota 2, ask if they'd be willing to show you the ropes.
Also, get a mic. Voice communication is critical, especially when you're learning. This should be seen as mandatory.


My sister started playing Dota 2 months before I did, primarily learning the game by using online resources and, unlike me, playing against bots. She played matches against the AI hundreds of times to learn the game and, as Dota 2's bot AI tends to be very aggressive, it's not a bad primer on player behavior in public, unranked games.
The result after hundreds of games is that my sister has a better win-loss record in matches than I do. That's not indicative of skill necessarily — and my team beat her team when we were randomly matched against her and her new Dota 2 friends, thank you very much — but she's put in a ton of practice and has used the in-game guides to learn heroes and the game very well.
I also play bot matches occasionally, for a very specific purpose: I can try new heroes, and pause the game to search online for strategies on how best to employ their abilities. It's a test environment where you can screw around without hurting your team or embarrassing yourself, and with a game like Dota 2, that's really important.
The best way to avoid criticism from the community is to not be new, and the best way to not be new is to play against the AI.


You'll see an open book icon in the upper-left corner of Dota 2's in-game UI. This is the guide menu, which contains player-written and rated guides for every hero in Dota 2. I like guides written by Purge personally, but explore different builds for heroes in bot matches to find the ones that seem most tailored to your abilities and sensibilities.
Guides aren't static resources to look at and close. As you earn levels, the guide you've selected will highlight the next recommended skill/skill level to pick, while giving the guide writer's explanation as to what each skill/spell is good for. Guides are just as useful for Dota 2's item shop — they create customized lists of recommended items to buy.
Remember that guides aren't a rulebook, and that you can and should deviate based on what your team needs from you. But they're an excellent starting point to learning characters and the game.


I'll add the caveat that you shouldn't put up with a ton of abuse from teammates, and I advise using the mute button in these cases; it's found by holding the "~" key in-game and clicking the speaker icon next to the offending player.
That said, the best way to learn how to play Dota 2 is to play with people who know more about it than you do. They can tell you where you should be, what hero best fits in the existing lineup, what items the team needs, etc. Also, people are more inclined to help you if you seem keen to help the team. Noobs aren't actually the worst teammates in Dota 2 — stubborn players who want to do their own thing are, and most people I've played with seem to know that. This segues nicely into my next suggestion, which is ...


It's important to learn about hero roles in Dota 2 as quickly as possible, but as a beginner I gravitated towards support characters. Support heroes are self-explanatory - they act to help the more powerful damage-dealing characters survive and win the game.
They're also usually responsible for spending their gold on consumable items to help the team. If you want to get on your team's good side, offer to buy the courier before heroes are even picked. Tell them you're playing support. As you learn more heroes, let them know which supports you're capable with and ask how you can fit into the team lineup for the most success.
In my experience, this has had two effects. First, as I've gotten better about helping my team, rather than playing the character I arbitrarily want to play at any moment, I've had a better time. But also, I find that positive behavior in lobbies helps create a better environment in chat with random team members. Good vibes are often contagious. And when my team is working together, positively communicating with each other, I have more fun, even if we lose.
As you're learning the game, figure out what kinds of heroes you're best with. Maybe you won't need to roll support for long, and you'll be a better asset as a carry hero, focused on doing damage and winning team fights.


You'll learn a lot about playing Dota 2 by playing Dota 2, but eventually you'll want to venture outside the game client into the greater community. Having more than eight million unique monthly players has the side effect of an enormous amount of community-generated content, and much of it is quite good. And if you're new, there's good news: you don't have to participate in it to benefit from it.
Outside of the community is the professional circuit, and this might be the most eye-opening experience you'll have with Dota 2. Professional competitions will show you ways to play heroes that you never imagined, and give primers on high level tactics and strategy on everything from map control to macro, which is the ways you handle your character moment to moment.
More importantly, it's fun to watch Dota 2 when you know what you're watching. It's exciting to see high-level play on a game that you understand, and in my experience, MOBAs are second only to fighting games in their readability. They move much more slowly than shooters and there's more action visible on screen at any given moment, making for something I've found much more entertaining to watch. The excitement is contagious.
Hell, the constant chatter this week about The International may be the whole reason you're reading this in the first place. Now it's time to take the next step and play the game. Stay Awesome!

Dota 2-Review

Dota 2-Review

From stylish ancient blaring type music to Godlike kills, Dota 2 is the game you need if you are a Online-Fighting-Human!In this game,The user gets 2 options-either to fight with real time users or BOTS. That's right! Bots! The objective of the game is like COC , but, easy to understand with a map.

Better! It's at the last of the page.Damn you,Google Blog! Whatever, There are 2 teams better named- The Radiant & The Dire.Very tough rivalry indeed,because we find Gods & Monsters Fighting for them with others.Tough to understand? See, Now we have a map. In that there are 3 lanes, suitably named- The Top , The Middle & The Bottom.The top known as the most easy lane for the game for the Dire. Yes, The same for the Dire! Why no equality for The Dire?
 All the users choose a specific Hero ( God/Monster) Now comes the interesting part-FIGHT! Each hero has a skill set of abilities and it varies from Hero to Hero.Now,nothing else to say!Except Stay Awesome!
Image result for Dota 2 map


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This blog is for gamers,by gamers, to gamers. This is the world of gaming itself.Each and every post is - and hopefully always will be for gaming and it's field.Cheats,Reviews,Tutorials of the highest degree on New Arcaders Gaming.So what are you waiting for! Let the digital world conquer your mind.Stay Awesome!