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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dota 2-Review

Dota 2-Review

From stylish ancient blaring type music to Godlike kills, Dota 2 is the game you need if you are a Online-Fighting-Human!In this game,The user gets 2 options-either to fight with real time users or BOTS. That's right! Bots! The objective of the game is like COC , but, easy to understand with a map.

Better! It's at the last of the page.Damn you,Google Blog! Whatever, There are 2 teams better named- The Radiant & The Dire.Very tough rivalry indeed,because we find Gods & Monsters Fighting for them with others.Tough to understand? See, Now we have a map. In that there are 3 lanes, suitably named- The Top , The Middle & The Bottom.The top known as the most easy lane for the game for the Dire. Yes, The same for the Dire! Why no equality for The Dire?
 All the users choose a specific Hero ( God/Monster) Now comes the interesting part-FIGHT! Each hero has a skill set of abilities and it varies from Hero to Hero.Now,nothing else to say!Except Stay Awesome!
Image result for Dota 2 map

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